Hit the Road: Community Leader Overcomes Urinary Incontinence

Thirty-six years ago, Barbara recognized something missing from her rural, north-central Kansas community.

Having been raised on the Jersey Shore, she was exposed to the many cultural highlights of East Coast living and knew that her community’s youth needed “to get out and try new things.”

Since 1976, Barbara, her husband and a contingent of dedicated teachers from the local high school have been taking students cross-country to New York City and Washington D.C. to “experience different nationalities and be immersed in new culture,” says Barbara.

The cultural ambassador had made the trip with ease for many years, however she says a bladder condition that she developed last year would have made the trip nearly impossible.

Urinary incontinence came on very quickly and I knew that if I didn’t want to miss our yearly outing, I’d have to do something about it. says Barbara

Barbara 2She was referred by her general practitioner to CU Urogynecology to investigate what could be done for her condition.

CU Urogynecology had proposed a surgery that would insert a suburethral sling and lift the bladder to “allow it to drain out freely,” says Barbara. “There was no question about undergoing surgery, because I knew it was the only way to provide optimum relief.”

Barbara underwent the surgery last November and proudly says that she was driving to Kansas one week after the operation.

“I took only two pills for pain,” she says. “It was a miraculous turnaround. I was very fortunate not to have a catheter and I had experienced very minor discomfort.”

“For any woman who is hesitant about addressing their urinary incontinence, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” says Barbara. “They will be much happier once the surgery is over. The results are amazing and CU Urogynecology will put any woman at ease.”

Barbara says she is looking forward to many more trips on the open road and knows that she won’t be bothered by her condition.

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